How to install SooProof with WooCommerce?

Install SooProof in less than 2-min with WooCommerce

Jared B.
Written by Jared B.Last update 3 years ago

Direct integration is being created for this tool. Follow the steps below to install SooProof on your website 

  1. Install SooProof on your WooCommerce website
  2. Get Data with Webhooks

1. Install SooProof on your WooCommerce website

Let's suppose that you have already created an account on SooProof. The first step is to get your Pixel Code.

Now, go back to your Wordpress page, download the plugin (if not already done) "Insert Headers and Footers". The plugin lets you insert our code in the header of your site. You can paste the Pixel Code inside the header of your website.

2. Send Data to SooProof with Webhooks

Let's suppose that you have installed SooProof on your website and that you now want to track the conversions of your products. Either you use a form and you can check "Auto-Capture Data" then the conversions will be sent automatically. 

Either you use the Webhooks on a product page.

The first step is to create a notification on SooProof Webhook (Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Webhooks) 

You can select Create a new webhook (first incident) or Add webhook. The Webhook Databox appears.

In the "Delivery Url": URL where the Webhook payload is delivered (ex:

‍After doing so, click on the Save Webhook button.

Note: The first time your webhook is saved with the Activated status, it sends a ping to the Delivery URL.

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